Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tree House

1st is a nuthatch, 2nd is a tufted titmouse 3rd is a gold finch and the 4th a squirrel on a tree. Other species we have seen on our birdfeeders are House Finch, Chipping Sparrows. Our suet feeder attracts Hairy Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, nuthatches.

We have trees on the East and South side of our apartment and our second floor kitchen has windows on these sides too. At this time of year we feel as if we live in a tree house.

Father John married a couple at his church yesterday and last night, after the rehearsal he visited us. We sat chatting in the kitchen and John was amazed with the activity at the bird feeder. He said "in all my life I have never been this close to wild birds!"

Last summer I climbed out our dining room window onto the roof to take this photo during restoration of the stained glass windows.
John is Headmaster at
The Adirondack School and the Rector for St. Stephen's Church.

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