Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Guppy Fry

This posting is for my sister-in-law Sue.

Double-click on image to see it in a larger format.

I got home last night around 8pm and there were 4 new additions to the small aquarium.
Guppy fry (new borns). Guppies are live bearers. The combination of their fast swimming speed and the one second delay on my camera made photographing them a challenge. This little guy is actually swimming towards the camera. You cannot really see, but their eyes are quite large at this early age.

The recommendation is to separate the parents from the offspring because the parents tend to eat them. I have a small in-tank breeding tank for this but they were born before I could put the female in it. However, there are a lot of hiding places for the fry in the plants, in particular 'frill' plants. The logisitics in catching 7mm fry with a net equivalent in size to them as a basketball pitch did not make sense. There is my own equation: Stress them = immune system is compromised = they get sick = they die.

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