Kelly brought helium balloons for Jack's birthday last Saturday. Four regular ones and a red foil one which had "You're 3 Today" on it.
It outlasted the others and on Friday as I was trying to get Jack off to daycare in a timely manner, I suggested he take it with him. I told him a few times "Don't let go of it when we are outside because it will fly away and we will not see it again" - he said "Ok. I will not let go of it Mummy".
No sooner had we stepped outside, Jack let go of it and I was not able to catch it as it flew up and over our house. Jack's facial expression was one of muted glee (he did not want me to see he was quite excited about it). I told him to say goodbye to it (thinking that gesture would make he feel bad about it - but not at all).
As it crested the roof it dipped a little so I asked Jack to follow me around to the front of the house. As the wind blew it across the lawn, the (warm) balloon was reaching ambient temperature, cooling down and sinking. I was able to catch it. And I put it back in the house.
Our science lesson for the day was "Cold Air Sinks".
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