This was the largest (29g) aquarium last year.
Thankfully my husband loves my passion for our four (blushing) aquariums.
The power compact light (130 watts) gave out a number of weeks ago and we cannot determine why. We know there is one bad ballast and the second (independent) ballast is good. So in the meantime we have had to resort to the default light which is only 20 watts. The poor plants need more light. But the silver lining is that the fish seem to appreciate the lower lighting -- we hardly ever got to see any catfish. Now they are out and about all the time.
The environment is not so busy and the inhabitants love the space.
Photo taken today
There are four of these catfish. They sift through the substrate and tumble around each other as if they are at play. On the left of the tank there is a beach of sand specifically for them. The catfish in the foreground was added one month ago and his barbels (whiskers) are still good. The catfish behind him is about 18 months older and his barbels were blunted from sifting not though his sand but the red/organge stones. He does not appear to be in any discomfort and I have read that their barbels will grow back.

Our Blue Paradise Gourami loves attention.
Our cat keeps away from the aquarium. But one day she was sitting unusually near it. I stopped what I was doing and went over to her. She was right beside one of the fish on the floor. It was no longer breathing. I picked it up, it burped so I dropped it back into the aquarium where it slowly sank to the bottom. It remained there motionless for a few seconds and then it's gills started moving again. I kept an eye on it for a while until it weakly moved out of sight. Fish are easily stressed and fragile. I was sure this fish would not survive the trauma. But it did and the Blue Paradise Gourami is fearless of humans as a result.
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