Friday, January 19, 2007

The Freezing Rain Scene at Mum & John's

We have to wait and see about the 18 foot birch tree in the first photograph which is covered in ice and in the Yoga "Downward Dog" position. It is so brittle with all the ice on it that any human intervention (possibly a lengthy spell with a long extention lead and a hair-dryer - but I have not confirmed that with our resident Landscaper) could alieviate the situation.

We all have power back now. Ours came on about 24 hours before Mum and John's (possibly because of the broken transformer at the end of their road) shown in the previous post. (I would love a digital camera like Mum's).

The frozen-rain-scenery is beautiful.


Elizabeth said...

I think we would have been a bit chilly out in the caravan??
how did you all keep warm/cook etc? I guess that little fire in the lounge was very handy. Did you have warning in time to prepare for this storm?
Wish I could send you some of the heat we are getting. I am home to Sydney on Monday after a challenging 2 weeks

Sky-Lass said...

Hi Lizzie,

We had no time to prepare for this storm. You would have been very chilly out in the caravan! John was in his element because practically all his camping gear (except the tents) were used. He put a propane stove on top of their lifeless electric stove for cooking. One Coleman lamp keep his tropical fish warm and with light while the other provided much light for the kitchen. The woodburner in the living room was wonderful. Kathy stayed a day or two with her Siamese Fighting Fish.

I imagine you will be looking forward to getting home.

