Saturday, March 31, 2012

Potty Success!

In the last few weeks we have been focusing on transitioning Jack to the potty. 

Quite some time ago Mollie mailed us a very sophisticated built-in potty seat like the one on the left.  Jack sat on it a few times but he really did not take to it. So we had to back off for a while.

Recently we wanted to have another go so I discussed it with Sharon, his daycare provider, and we had a plan.

Last weekend Dick and Jack went off to K-Mart to buy some big boy briefs. They found a particularly colorful pack of six. We were ready to try again. Sharon tried Jack on a  smaller potty and he was more receptive.

On Tuesday he pooped on the potty and when Dick brought Jack home, we seemed to convene in the driveway because it was shortly after I returned from work.  I made a big fuss - I bounced up and down. Jack thought it was hilarious and he said "again" (and I bounced again, 6 separate sets).

These photos are not of our situation, they have been "borrowed".