Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jack's 1st Professional Haircut

Shelly, our hairdresser in the village is a master of first haircuts. Poor Jack's quivering lips only lasted a minute and he ended up quite enjoying it. Shelly did a great job.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Susu Moved to Boston

Our most wonderful daycare provider moved to Boston. Susu has family there and it all made sense to make the move. We realized from an early point that Susu is an exceptional daycare provider and it has been an emotional few months (she gave us notice in October). Susu's appreciation for kids has her loved a lot. She's wonderful.


This particular rocking horse has been in the same family until I bought it from a local Grandfather on It is 50 years old and in great condition. We all cherish it. (Just in case you are wondering - only Jack rides it)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

When the cat is away....

The mice will play.

Last week we were visiting Mum and John and Mum left her computer "unsupervised".