Last night after Jack's dinner we were hanging out in the living room and Jack had been leading me around. He went over to the coffee table and slipped behind it to look for my laptop (which was not there - it was in my office). He signaled to me that he wanted some laptop time. I retrieved it and we started watching Blue's Clues on YouTube.
I got a strong whiff of poo so I lifted him up and sniffed his diaper. No, not there. I got another strong whiff so I thought it was perhaps on his clothing somewhere so I sniffed his sleeve, his shoulder and even his cheek (there was something on his cheek). Jack was watching the laptop and he stopped, leaned away from me and looked at me as if to say "What are you doing? Is my mother really a dog in disguise?".
It was on the underside of his shoe.
It is amazing how quickly that shoe was taken outside and scrubbed!
p.s. and for those who may be wondering...it was not his, it was probably cat shit from playing out in Susu's (day care provider) yard.