Monday, March 29, 2010

Esther's bowls

This time of year makes me recall writing letters as a youngster. In particular, to my maternal grandparents in England.

Grandpa and Grandma lived in Biggin Hill, Kent. My spelling was not so good. They loved "Esther" and wondered who this special lady was in my life (Easter) and in a separate letter "my sluggish bowls" (bowels) made them laugh.

They especially loved to tease me about the latter.

At this time of year I still think about Esther.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Corned Beef & Cabbage @ Mum & John's

It was delicious! Mum's hiding her face because she "didn't have her face on".

Is that a halo on John's head?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

It is a much bigger celebration over here. However the only form of celebrating for us is dressing up Jack and we may have corned beef (not the canned stuff we know in Ireland - but a fatty brined beef which is boiled (it is quite delicious)) and cabbage tonight.

Aunt Mollie sent Jack this t-shirt. Thank you Mollie!

I thought I might not get photographs of Jack this morning. He is teething again and we think his molars are giving him rosey cheeks and a lot of pain. But after some pain medication he was singing again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mr Kissylips

Our friend Raechel affectionately calls Jack "Mr Kissylips".